Exploring life’s journeys through stories.

Restorative journeys of learning & unlearning

Explore & Encourage

Learn & Unlearn

“When you learn, teach,
when you get, give.”

-Maya Angelou

“a hero’s journey”  
A restorative journey of
learning and unlearning

Online gatherings designed to help restore our peace and strength as women.

Through stories, we encourage, connect, and collaborate.
We explore books, movies, podcasts, videos, and more.

LOOKING beyond our OUTside external circumstances (which can trigger rejection, fear, anxiety, and doubts), we find peace, strength, and worthiness from withIN.

From there, change happens.

  • Jan. 16 - Mar. 19, 2024:
    Tuesdays, 5:30-7:00pm
    for 10 weeks

    Book: Cassandra Speaks
    by Elizabeth Lesser

    When Women Are the Storytellers,
    The Human Story Changes


  • Fall 2024 -Dates TBD
    Tuesdays, 5:30-7:00pm
    for 6 weeks

    Book: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

    A journey to living and thinking differently.

    Break free from the stories you’re telling yourself.

  • Sept. 18 - Nov. 6, 2024:
    Wednesdays, 5:30-7:00pm
    for 8 weeks
    An teacher’s journey
    to “Lighter” Days

    Book: Lighter by yung pueblo
    A nonfiction journey to feeling “Lighter.”

“Pick the path that lights you up.”

adapted from yung pueblo

STORYTELLING is inspirational.

“We see others and know that their story is not too far from our own.”

-yung pueblo

“Through stories, we recognize common themes in all of our lives. This leads to a shared acceptance of one another.”

-Mary Pat

  • Sept. 19 - Dec. 5, 2023
    Tuesdays, 5:30-7:00pm
    for 12 weeks

    Book: The Artist’s Way
    25th or 30th Anniversary Edition
    by Julia Cameron


“With ‘The Artist’s Way,’
Julia Cameron invented the way
people renovate the
creative soul.” -NY Times

  • Sept. 18 - Nov. 20, 2023:
    Mondays, 5:30-7:00pm
    for 10 weeks

    Book: Lighter by yung pueblo
    A nonfiction journey to feeling “Lighter.”

    A teacher’s journey to
    “Lighter” Mondays

“Pick the path that lights you up.”

adapted from yung pueblo

“So I think, in a way, that’s why we’re all here, right?
To share our stories, to share what it felt like, what it feels like.
And that gives people, I think, comfort.
They feel supported.

And they feel like, OK there’s a community out there of people like myself pushing the envelope in different ways. And I can too.”

-Maria Shriver

We are…
Groundbreakers • Visionaries • Independent • Compassionate • Intuitive • Insightful • Heroic

“She’s an explorer,
unafraid to travel
within her heart & mind,
ready to discover new spaces
to heal -- releasing burdens,

and planting wisdom wherever
her awareness takes her.”

- yung pueblo


"I think relationships are the point.
They’re not just important,
they’re the point.

The point, the joy, the thing that we’re
here for is each other, to connect.”

-Pippa Grange


“Inspiration is best when it’s shared. 

So share the stories that speak
to you the most with your community.”
                                         -Light Watkins