
Share stories.

"My story will ignite parts of your story.
Your story will ignite others' stories.”
-Angus Nelson

 Generational Strength

artist • Etsy shop • Karen

“To be an artist you must learn to let yourself be. Stop getting better.
Start appreciating what you are. Do something that simply delights
you for no apparent reason.”

- Julia Cameron
author of The Artist’s Way

enter your
peace place

Using art as a meditative practice. You’ve got this.

“There’s something about being alone in a room and doing something just for you and giving yourself the time and space to create.”

- Nicole

artist • mini meanwhiles • Nicole

Play Like a Girl

Stories change lives.

When you and I tell our stories,
someone may get closer to her answers.

We see each other in our shared stories.

Comfort is found, and we connect.
It relieves that ‘I am alone’ feeling.
— Mary Pat

Sharing stories.

“When women hear each other’s stories, told from the heart,
it gives us inspiration to keep on going.”

- Elizabeth Lesser